Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Diving In.

I am JUST getting the hang of blogging and keeping up with it. I've developed an itch if I neglect it, which could be hazardous during the school year. 

I want a holistic feel and a challenge so I'm thinking of expanding. 

1. Chictopia presence
2. mecca of eohs
3. eohSpirit ...why the blog looks wonky. under construction.
[posting this forces me to do it]

One: Just set up a Chictopia account because I've realized there's more than just blogging in my own little corner. There are tons of other bloggers! Duh, Diana. Chictopia is a community for fashion bloggers, and it's fun to see what everyone's up to!

Two: In the process of building a retail shop online called "mecca of eohs" providing a curated set of bargains. Signed up a few accounts but haven't decided on where I'm calling my home base [Amazon, Asos Marketplace, et cetera]. 

e.o.h.s.- epitome of a happy soul.

Sometimes I get annoyed when people tell me that "happy" is too generic of a term. And then sometimes, I totally agree. Come on, there are such things as thesauruses.

But there was a period of time when I could not be defined as happy. So "happy" is important to me.
This blog is a memory log, always reminding me of the things that make me smile.
I love fashion and hunting for looks, so why not celebrate that.
And I love creating, although a bit hesitant to share, but why not celebrate that.

once my adsense account gets approved:
See those ads on my blog? I think they're quite abundant too, and that's a euphemism to describe them.

Some of the money they bring in help support me support this blog. By keeping me living. Cause blogging takes time away from obtaining other cash inflows.
And a bulky percent of the money goes to the eohSpirit, a tangent to eohs dedicated to donating to the IMHRO [International Mental Health Research Organization]. It's very much a tangent because eohs is about happiness so I won't be promoting eohSpirit for direct donations, if interested, donate to IMHRO.